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Family Center groß & KLEiN in Wilmersdorf |
Düsseldorfer Straße 3 (in the garden, left side of the building) 10719 Berlin |
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03093674190 |
Opening hours (usually, may differ in some cases) |
Monday - Thursday 09.30 - 18.00 |
Notice: Please decide which activities you allow your child to do in the garden and in the building. The site is used by many people/several institutions for various purposes. Under certain circumstances, things or nature can pose a danger to small children. Please pay attention to your child!
Open Sunday
In autumn and winter we are open on individual Sundays from 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. On some Sundays there are other offers in addition to this open meeting, see below. Next sunday openings are:
01.12., 10.30 - 17.30 Uhr
15.12., 10 - 17.30 Uhr
Experiments for Young Researchers - 13.12., jeweils 15 - 17 Uhr
María shows children interesting things from science. Experiments with water, air and light are carried out together. They will also visit the world of microscopy together. Just the thing for curious and inquisitive children ages 5 and up. There is a group at 3 p.m. and one at 4 p.m. For free!
Excursions into the city's nature - next dates: 15.12. (in the garden and around Familienzentrum, 13 - 15 Uhr)
Explore, recover, excite, relax, search, find, sharpen your ears, look closely, discover something new or meet something familiar again - one of these things will definitely happen. Is there anything to eat in the area? What is poisonous? Since this can be interesting for everyone, albeit in different ways, parents with smaller and older children, but also grandparents with grandchildren, can take part. Please think about clothing that suits the weather and the forest/park and food! Duration: 1.5 - 2 hours. Some of the tours have specific themes. You can take part in all events or in individual ones. If you are interested, please register via the family center (and write the age of the children). If you have any questions about this, please feel free to get in touch. For free. Register via the family center on 030 936 74 190 or! The meeting point for the appointment at Gleisdreieck is Bülowstraße 68, at the park entrance by the church.
Spielraum (Open Meeting) - on working days
Open Familiy Breakfast - Tuesday 10 - 12.30
Without registration! We ask for a donation to our piggy bank.Location: Spielraum.
Healthy Food and Eating enjoyably - Thursday 13.30
Once a week we would like to prepare a meal for the families. If you are interested, you are welcome to cook along or make suggestions. Otherwise, we prepare the food and you enjoy it! Location: kitchen
Food from different countries - Friday (only in even weeks!) about 14.30 - 18
Play and Toddler Goups, Baby Courses, Baby and Pregnancy Meetings
Group for pregnant women - Friday 9.30 - 11
A group offer to network during pregnancy. All questions about pregnancy and birth can be discussed, but also everything else that is important in life when a new phase of life is approaching. Course leader: Anima Schmitz-Salue (midwife) and Anja Alexandrow-Hese (family therapist). Registrations on 030 936 74 190 and Location: Roter Salon.
Fenkid Course - Friday 9.30 - 10.45 and 11.15 - 12.30
Exchange, movement, sensory and play stimulation for parents with babies who come into contact with their peers here. Songs and movement games provide the framework. The core of the course is free play, in which the children go on a "journey of discovery" and find age- and development-appropriate play and movement material in a prepared environment. Two groups: for children who are not yet mobile (3 to approx. 7/8 months) and those who are already mobile (7/8 to 24 months). Cost: 10 meetings €120. Course leader Maike Schwarzlose, certified Fenkid course leader. Registration and information: Familien Menschen (Ann-Kathrin Putzas), 0151 403 222 77,, Ort: Bewegungsraum.
Spiel und Bewegung (Children's Gymnastics) - Thursday late morning
Growing Together/Spielgruppe - Monday or Thursday 10 - 11.30
Playgroup "For the Big Ones Only" - Monday 14.00 - 15.30
Mother-Child-Group - Wednesday 10 - 11.30
For women with babies, starting age of the child 2 - 4 months. For free! Registration and information: Registration and information: 030 936 74 190 or Location: Bewegungsraum.
Midwife Consulting - every 2nd & 4th Thursday of the Month, 17.30 - 19.30
Silke Schmidt, who has 20 years of professional experience, will advise you individually. Please register in advance: 030 219 67 175 (please speak on tape if necessary) or by email to Other possible topics: Pregnancy (including preventative care with blood pressure and urine checks, blood sampling if necessary), growth and position situation of the child, pregnancy symptoms, desire to become pregnant, loss of pregnancy, discussion about the birth (before and after), postpartum support (revolution, wound healing), the time after birth, questions about parenthood, the child's weight development, breastfeeding, sibling issues, relationships, etc. This offer can be used up to the child's third year of life! For free! However, please bring your health insurance card with you, if you have one, and your maternity pass. Next dates: November 2nd, November 23rd, December 14th. Location: Spielraum.
Complementary Feeding and Breastfeeding
Mom's Out Time
CANTIENICA - Pelvic floor strength for you - mondays 12.15 1.15. p.m. and 5.15 p.m. to 6.15 p.m.
Back pain from carrying? Challenges with the pelvic floor? CANTIENICA uses micro movements to strengthen the pelvic floor and the entire body (of moms AND dads, all fitness levels) - effective and suitable for everyday use. As a licensed CANTIENICA trainer in training, I offer a course (no retraining!) on Mondays from 12.15 p.m. to 1.15 p.m. and Mondays from 5.15 p.m. to 6.15 p.m. at a special price: 11 lessons of 60 minutes each for 90 EUR (6.1., 13.1., 20.1., 27.1., 3.2., 10.2., 24.2., 3.3., 17.3., 24.3., 31.3.). Individual appointments can also be booked for 10 EUR. Info & registration: / 0170-9593041. Location: exercise room
Spiel und Bewegung (Children's Gymnastics) - Thursday late morning
The postnatal course is offered by Anima Schmitz-Salue (midwife). It is paid by the health insurance company. Registration via Further Information: oder 017654007537. Location: Bewegungsraum.
Family-Yoga - Monday 16.45 - 17.30
As a couple, you will experience joy and connection in yoga partner exercises. Dynamic moments as well as moments of silence and mindfulness are included. For children aged 3 and over with one parent. 7 Termine 98 Euro. Einzeln: 18 Euro pro Team.
Course management, registration and information: Ulrike Pape, 0177 423 81 99,, Location: Bewegungsraum.
Yoga for Adults - Tuesday 20 - 21.30
8 lessons 112 €, single lesson 16 €, trial lesson10 €. Location: Bewegungsraum.
Yoga-Workshops - Freitag 19 - 21 Uhr
All yoga levels. Creating width and space in the body and mind on specific topics such as pelvic floor, writing, breathing and meditation. Dates: Every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month: yoga and pelvic floor. Every 1st and 3rd Friday of the month: yoga and writing. 2-hour workshop: € 25. Course management, registration and information: Ulrike Pape, 0177 423 81 99,, Ort: Bewegungsraum.
Group for Single Parents
Languages - Courses and Meetings for Kids and Adults
German Course for Ucrainian People - Tuesday 10 - 11.30
Run by two Russian-speaking volunteers. Initial German language skills are taught. Please register at 030 936 74 190 or an. Location: Roter Salon.
German Course C+ from VHS - Monday and Wednesday 9 - 13
Course leader Myriam Rzychon. Please contact us on 030 936 74 190 or an. Location: Roter Salon.
German Course from VHS - Mother-Child-Group - Thursday 9.45 - 12 Uhr
Anouncement and infos:
Ort: Roter Salon.
Группа «русский язык и игра» для детей 3-5 лет по развитию вещателей. Помогите детям выучить русский язык. Мое чтение книги на русском языке, но важно также читать ее в игре. Даты с 10:30 до 11:45. Регистрация по электронной почте:
Kreativnachmittag - Tuesday 16 - 18
Guitar with Baby - Thursday 12.00
Musikgarten for Babys - Tuesday
9:30 a.m.: 9 - 18 months, 10:30 a.m.: 6 - 11 months, 11:30 a.m. and 2:15 p.m.: 3 - 7 months. Making music together in this early phase is “food” for your child’s body, mind and soul. The parents sing, make music and dance together with their babies and have a lot of fun with knee riders, movement songs, finger and puppet shows, and trying out and playing age-appropriate instruments. Cost for 10 meetings €98. Location: exercise room. Course management and registration:Simone Schüppler,
Musikgarten Phase 1 (Toddlers) – Tuesday
3:30 p.m.: 12 - 24 months, 4:30 p.m.: 18 - 30 months, 5:30 p.m.: 24 - 36 months. Early musical education - Do you feel and see that your child likes to move rhythmically, reacts strongly to music and other sounds, creates its own tones and are you wondering how you can properly promote this early childhood, creative, musical creativity? Then you've come to the right place in the Musikgarten! Cost for 10 meetings €98. Location: exercise room. Course management and registration:Simone Schüppler,
Kamishibai-Theater - Monday 16 - 16.45 Yvonne tells different stories by pictures. Without registration. Location: Bewegungsraum.
Online Courses: 1. Year, Toddler Phase, Sibling's Situation, Baby's/Toddler's Sleep, Mother Role, Stressing situations
Workshop: Video of stressing situations
Since practice is the most important thing in all educational topics and we cannot learn and question it through books, I offer a workshop in which we address concrete situations on the basis of attachment-oriented education, which we all watch and reflect on as a video - Situations that exhaust, strain and unsettle us in everyday life with our children. We examine the aspects of attachment education (language, understanding, perception) and look for alternative scenarios for this situation. As a group, we are interested in supporting, encouraging and motivating each other so that everything can be changed if we want it to be. We are all in the same situation - as a result, we develop close communication with each other with a lot of encouragement, understanding and trust. The number of participants is limited to 4 people so that we can immerse ourselves as intensively as possible. You have 2-3 weeks after registration to record a suitable video (by your partner, friends/family). You can send me the video 5 days before the workshop. Cost: €45 for 2 hours. Registration and further information such as the exact dates via Laura Kruse: